Animasi dalam bentuk SWF
- Action of epinephrine on liver cell
- Action Potential propagation in an unmyelinted axon
- Lisosom
- Pompa ion
- Kotransport
- Changes in the partial pressures of oxygen and CO2
- Chemical synapse
- Combination of swiches-Operon
- Cunjugation with with F plasmid
- Control gene expression in eukariotik
- Control of the cell cycle
- Cytotoxic T cell actyvity against target cells
- Effect of saund waves on coclear structures
- Function of the neuromuscular junction
- Hiv Replication
- How Prion arise
- How Tumor suppressor genes block cell division
- Ig E mediated Hypersentivity
- Integration of antigen presenting cells and T helfer cell
- Malaria (daur hidup plasmodium)
- Mechanisme of steroid hormone action
- Mechanisme of thyoxin action
- Mechanisme of transposition
- Membrane bound receptors G protein and Ca2 chanel
- Micro 03
- Micro 04
- Micro 06
- Micro 10
- Monoclonal antybodi production
- Pompaion Na dan K
- Sarcomer shortening
- Slipped strand mispairing
- Sodium potasium exchange
- Spermatogenesis
- The consequence of inversion
- Three phases of gastric secretion
- Thymine Dimmer
- Ti Plasmid
- Transcription complex and enhancers
- Treatment HIV
- Trytophan Represor
- Voltage Gates chanel and the action potential